POIPAAS: Punch over IP as a Service


For decades, we've waited for a service to deliver force feedback to deserving users. Now, POIPAAS is ready to deliver that feedback. Directly. Anonymously. Forcefully.

Death from the Air!

Now, using state-of-the-art geolocation, drone technologies, and distributed delivery mechanisms, "Punch over IP" is finally a reality.

Force feedback, delivered remotely.


Thanks to 18 years of perpetual war, we, as a society, have made great inroads in the development of drone technologies and geolocation. Thanks to these developments, the ancient dream of systems administrators is now finally a reality.


Using our advanced (and entirely proprietary) facial recognition algorithms, POIPAAS can ensure direct delivery to your exact target, anywhere on the globe.


Well, less lethal, at least. The truth is that sometimes things go wrong. We can't promise your target won't die, but we can promise that if your target does die, it won't be our fault, legally. Some people are just fragile.

Words have consequences.

In or around 1993, the general public was cordially invited to join the Internet. In retrospect, this may or may not have been a good idea, but it's too late to put the genie back in the bottle now.

Holding users responsible.

Since mass public adoption, absolutely anyone has been able to run their mouth (or their keyboards, or, these days, their thumbs over a phone screen) about any subject, at any time, without fear of being held responsible for their poorly-considered words.

The game has changed.

POIPAAS now offers the technological breakthrough of a lifetime; finally, users can be taken to task, physically, by a punch to the face, delivered by air, anywhere on the planet.

Death from Above

OK, Not Quite Death

Believe us; we considered the death over IP option for quite a while, but in the end, our legal team was convinced that we wouldn't be able to offer those services. Well, at least not in the continental United States. For now.

So we trimmed back our initial idea, and reduced the violence delivery levels to a non-lethal punch in the face, delivered by a robot in the sky. We feel it was a compromise worth making, but you should give it a try, and see if you feel the same way.

Where did POIPAAS come from?

We can't lay claim to the idea, itself, we can lay claim to the first successful implementation. Since the first stupid thing was ever said on the Internet, people have longed for a method of delivering Speed, Surprise, and Violence of Action over TCP/IP. Or UDP. No one really cares what protocol this solution uses; the important thing is the ability to reach out and touch someone. In the face.

POIPAAS was born from the fertile imagination laboratories at Curlzilla. While it didn't quite fit with the Curlzilla product line, we felt it was strong enough an idea to spin it off and see where it lands.

All content copyright POIPAAS, 2018.